Quick update

Well, I have been busy with all of the Christmas season stuff, as well as still trying to get Grady to take a decent nap, so I will revert to the list update format.
1. After Christmas, we are going to a cabin in the GA mountains with my in-laws for a little R&R, which my husband especially deserves right now.
2. After that, Chris, Grady and I are driving up to Jefferson City, TN for a day to see the people I used to nanny for and to prove to Chris that Jeff City is really as small as I say it is.
3. I cannot stand my hair right now. I have tried to get it fixed, but it is currently too short to cut what I don't like off without looking like Demi Moore in GI Jane.
4. My boy is sitting up! All by himself. I can plop him on the bed with me and he will sit there for a good 10 minutes without toppeling over!
5. Yesterday, Grady ate a jar of sweet potatoes, a jar of squash, rice cereal and more formula than usual. He must know it's the holidays.
6. Right now I am watching Johnny and the Sprites on the Disney Channel, and boy is this guy weird. He reminds me of when Freddie Prinze Jr played the male nanny on Friends...I am sure apc knows exactly what I am referring to.
7. Today I have to go take the car in to get an oil change and the tires rotated and balanced, which means I'll be at the mall for at least an hour....and school's out. Kill me now.
8. I kept saying once we moved in here, I would exercise every day. I have gone for like 3 walks in 2 weeks and that's it.
9. There is spit up on my brown shoes. At least they now match every other piece of my wardrobe.
10. I have the cutest baby ever.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joyous Festival, Happy Kwaanza, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noël, Vrolijke Kerstmis...ummmm that's all I know, so if I left you out deal with it!
I'd have to agree that you have the cutest baby ever! Merry Christmas!!
sunflowerb, at 6:11 PM
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