It's a Small World, After all.

This weekend, we went to Disney World. The happiest place on earth. Also, one of my favorite places on earth. I just love Disney. I love the atmosphere. I love the smell of the rides...yes, the smell. I am nuts, I know. I love the irony of it all. Parents pay thousands of dollars to take their kids to Disney and the kids spend half the day crying and the other half asleep in the $10 a day rental stroller because they refused to walk. Of course, we knew Grady wouldn't really care that we were at Disney. We were there for ourselves. We wanted the pictures and the time together as a family. And we had a good time. My in-laws were with us too. Now for those of you who do not know my sister-in-law, Katie, she HATES little animatronic people. So, "It's a small world" is, needless to say, like torture to her. This is something that Chris and I find so amusing that we spent a great deal of time bursting into the chorus of "Small World" and making "Small World" jokes. Well, as we were preparing to get onto Aerosmith's "Rockin' Roller Coaster" at MGM, literally miles away from the magic Kingdom and all of it's animatronic children,I saw a face in the crowd that looked incredibly familiar. I did a doubletake and it was an old friend from college that I had not seen in probably 5 years. Now, the chances of that happening were pretty slim, so in my disbelief I stammered "Lauren?" And it was her! I mean, could the world get any smaller? (tee-hee) We literally stood there in shock for 3 minutes and then moved on our separate ways. It was really good to see her. Now, my husband and sister-in-law were rather unimpressed, but I thought it was really cool. This was the girl I literally worshipped throughout my Freshman year. Now we are both married, and I have a son. Time and distance have separated us, but I immediately felt like I was back at college, not standing in the middle of MGM. Anyway not many people will be able to get my insanity unless they have had a similar experience. But, maybe you have. It is a small world, after all. (tee hee)
Lauren, lauren?
Anonymous, at 10:33 AM
That's awesome. Disney is cool.
Joie Mayfield, at 4:46 PM
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