Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

This morning I discovered a tragedy. The batteries in Grady's baby swing had died. SO???? You say... Well let me explain my son to you. This child is a creature of habit. He does things in the exact same order every day. We wake up, he eats, we go for a walk, we come back. I take a shower while he plays in his exersaucer and then he zonks out in his swing for 45 minutes. This is when I discovered the damn swing was broken. "Well", I thought, " I'll just lay him in his crib he sleeps there at night just fine". This is when Grady began laughing demonically and yelling "WRONG, MOMMY. YOU WISH" I laid him down and quietly walked away. He slept for 15 minutes and was up crying. Well, I thought it would be ok, until he cried for 20 minutes straight. Every time I attempted to put him down anywhere, he turned up the decibels another notch. This scene has repeated itself three times already today. The last time I tried singing. I wrapped up my showstopping rendition of "Lullaby of Broadway" which he seemed to like ok, and moved onto "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot". Well, they say babies can't really understand what we are saying to them. Whoever "they" are, "they" are wrong. The second I sang the word "Swing", Grady started to wail again.He knew his chariot was out of commission, and did not want to hear about anyone else's. So I stopped and tried "Baby Mine". Alas, I was too late. All hell had already broken loose. I was considering calling Chris to leave his job to pick up batteries and get home ASAP, and then Grady just plum wore out. He has now been asleep for 25 minutes which is our record for today. Now, you may be asking why I did not just go pick up some batteries at the store and solve my dilemma. Well two reasons. Number one, they (yes, "they" again) say not to let your baby get dependent on the swing for naps or it will be hard to break them of it (insert shocked and sarcastic"No" here).So I figured today is breaking day. And number two, putting Grady in the carseat results in all of the wailing and nashing of teeth I have just described, times 10, so I just had to pick my battle for today.
Grady's a little cutie. Can I make a recommendation so you have more time to spend with him in the future (without the constraints of having to leave home to work) and so you can still maintain some type of social life? ...
Try selling Watkins part-time. For more information check out my website, http://www.tsginfo.com/index.php?rc=CH4937
Hope you get some new batteries for his chair and life can return to normal. :D
Chris Lautischer, at 2:42 PM
You should try selling Watkins part-time ;). I would cry if my chariot was broken too!
Nicole, at 10:41 PM
Okay everytime I look at your blog to see if you've updated, I find myself looking at this picture. His little sad face is too much. He's SO very cute!
Nicole, at 9:01 AM
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