Lucked out
Sometimes during my morning walks around the lake with Grady I meet up with a couple of other ladies and walk with them (on a side note, their babies names are Jackson and Jillian...Jack and makes me giggle). The other day I was out walking and I saw one of them. We began a conversation and she mentioned how much she despises her in-laws. I know this is a common problem in most families, the wife and the mother-in-law fight constantly. I did not want to make her feel too bad, so I didn't really mention that I really like my own in-laws. They are a really fun and caring family. Joking with each other is not met with pouting or anger, these are people who know they love each other, so a joke here and there is no big deal. I have had to get used to that, since in my own family that's not exactly the way it works. I love it. They are generous and kind as well. When I was in a car accident a few months back (7 months pregnant), they were there lickity split and sat in the waiting room with my parents for much longer than anyone would have expected. I know they were worried about their grandchild, but they were genuinely worried about me too. I am beginning to realize that I seriously lucked out. I love having a sister-in-law too. She is planning on moving into an apartment across the street from our new house, and made sure it was ok with me first. Not only is it ok. I am secretly excited. Now, she does occasionally check my blog, so I guess it's not so much of a secret, but I am trying to write without censoring my work so you can see the full extent of my thoughts ( as well as my talent...or lack thereof). Anyway, the point is, I truly like them all and I feel pretty lucky to feel that way. Now I have to go help little Jack and Jill fetch that pail of water...honestly, someone could get hurt.
Okay, so, yes, I have been caught. I read blogs when I should be working ;) Courtney, thanks so much for the nice things about our family. The feeling is extremely mutual. We are all so fortunate to have been able to find each other and come together as a family. I, too, cannot wait to live closer to you guys- so much easier to drive Chris nuts and hang out with you guys.
I am so lucky that my brother chose a woman to marry whom I respect, like, and find quite funny. Thanks for putting up with our quirks!
Anonymous, at 9:28 AM
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