Reality TV it's not...or maybe I'm missing something

I cannot accurately judge the cult following that the show "desperate housewives" has inspired, because I have never actually viewed an entire episode. Now, I do think 24 Emmy nominations is a bit much for anything, I mean, spread the love, folks. Perhaps I really am just missing the greatest show ever, I don't know. However, I thought that about "The OC" and was sorely disappointed. Chris and I decided last night that we should probably rent the first season whenever Blockbuster gets it in stock and find out what all the fanfare is about. What I can say about it though, is that none of the housewives I know look like the women from Wisteria Lane, and if they did I am pretty sure they wouldn't be that desperate. What they should do is make a show about women who don't have nannies or affairs with their strikingly handsome pool boy and don't know for sure if a shower will be a part of their activity from day to day. The normal women who don't own one singe piece of Dolce and Gabbana and have never even touched a Louis Vuitton handbag. Those of us who jump for joy when our baby turns a frown into a smile for the first time, and finally figures out that those feet belong to him. I don't feel desperate on a day to day basis though. Tired, yes, but desperate I'm not. I guess I'll leave that to the size 0 housewives with shining hair and sparkling veneers, if there are really any out there.
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