Having a baby changes everything

You know those Johnson and Johnson commercials...they're the ones that make most pre-menstrual and ALL pregnant women break down into tears. Well they're totally right. Having a baby does change everything. Of course, I expected it, I have done too much caring for other people's children not to know what a big deal it is. Yet, I had really thought that due to the fact that I have spent over half my life watching little ones, it would come easier for me. Not so much. It's really different when it's your baby that is screaming and you don't know why. Grady's Aunt Katie came over last week and held our screamer while Chris and I cleaned. We kept offering to take him back, because we know how tiring it gets to try and calm a baby that won't be calmed (it's really just because of his acid reflux). She kept on holding him, all the while saying it was fine. I remember those days. Nannying in TN, when baby Sarah would cry and I would just laugh and say "It's no big deal". Well, it does get frustrating when it's your baby and you have no way to fix him. It's so hard for me to see him crying. I just want to be able to explain to him that we are trying to make the burning in his tummy stop, but there's only so much we can do. I know he's hurting and it kills me that I can't take his pain for him so he can just relax and concentrate on the very big job of being a baby.
On a lighter note, there are a few definitions that have changed since having a baby as well...
1. All nighter: Sitting in the rocking chair until who knows when singing any song that comes to mind without too much profanity in it....Gwen Stefani's "Holla Back Girl" included.
2. Going to the club: Stocking up on diapers at Sam's
3. Eating dinner: hurriedly shoving lukewarm hamburger helper in our mouths during the 5 minute interlude between wails.
4. Dressing up: taking a shower and wearing anything other than a t-shirt and a pair of Chris' boxers.
5. Cleaning: Hiding the laundry, mail and dirty dishes anywhere they will go before the Grandparents arrive.
But seriously...it's all worth it....I mean, look at the kid...he's gorgeous!!!!
That picture just changed my life... you must have paid someone to make him that beautiful.
Anonymous, at 11:13 PM
You crack me up. And yeah, he is, in fact, gorgeous.
Nicole, at 11:14 PM
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