8 days

Well, after weeks of reading blogs posted by old friends I have finally given in and decided to create one myself. I too have decided to feed the curiosity we humans all have into the deeper, or not so deep, thoughts of those we know, or knew, or will probably never meet, but find fascinating anyway. I don't really think I have anything to say that many will find interesting, but I feel the reason for this blog may be best illustrated by a recent conversation with my husband Chris.
Chris: " I want an ipod."
Me: "Why, you'll never use it."
Chris: "Because it's the thing to have."
So in order to keep on the up and up with ever changing technology, I will create a blog. Also, I have time to kill and I am getting REALLY antsy as I have 8 days left until the birth of my first child. That should provide some gory, if not alltogether appropriate topic matter. Anyway, Peace. Right, I know pregnant white girls should not say Peace, but bear with me.
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