Here's to Alpha Psi Omega
In college, I was a part of a Dramatic Honor Society called Alpha Psi Omega. It was fraternity-like in nature, minus the token dilapidated frat house. We had pledging, activities and even our own theater productions. Also on campus was the sorority, the Callie's. Callie's were required to wear purple every Thursday and act in what seemed to me to be a stepford wife-ish manner. I remember being a shy freshman, still paying my theater dues, and hearing about both organizations. Alpha Psi immediately drew my attention. They were fun, and mysterious, as far as I could tell. During one of my first visits to the cafeteria, a veteran member had a new pledge up on a chair, miming something for a small crowd. I had no idea why, but it intrigued me. Later that same week, a bouncy, sparkling eyed Callie cornered me. "You're cute", she said " have you thought about pledging Callie?" I looked at her a little miffed. Was that the only prerequisite? To be cute? "Um, no thanks," I replied. " I think I am going to pledge with Alpha Psi next year." She gave me a very funny look and immediately walked away. Later, I found out that probably over half the campus regarded Alpha Psi as the black sheep. That intrigued me even more. They were like me. They did not really mind that people did not understand why Drama people do what they do. They just had fun. They dressed in black several times a semester during pledge week and paraded around campus at midnight, pulling pledges from their warm beds to take them all over town on fun (and sometimes a little scary) missions. At the beginning of my Sophomore year, I pledged. I was terrified the entire week, and stressed. But looking back. I had a whole lot of fun. Even during the hardest times of my college career, I rarely missed a meeting. Now some Alpha Psi alums may differ in their opinions, and that's ok. For me, it was my college family. Good times and bad. And when people looked at me like "oh, you're one of those weirdos that dresses in black and creeps around campus silently at midnight" I would think to myself....At least I don't act really weird and wear purple every Thursday.
So absence really does make the heart grow fonder. That year we lived together you were less than happy about roaming around at midnight ;). Funny how your attitude about things like that and people change after a little distance isn't it (or at least mine has)?
Nicole, at 1:27 PM
I have the most obscure memories of pledging Alpha Psi. I remember Jamie Carr, in Deidre's old house in some random place in Jeff City. I remember standing outside in downtown Jeff City in the middle of the night, ALONE with meredith story! I felt like I was in an 80's horror movie. I remember those crappy meetings where people got really mad at each other over trivial things. I still put Alpha Psi on my resume, and it's still a distinct chapter of my life.
edhigg, at 11:23 AM
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