Luxury lost
So, we live in a "luxury apartment complex" ,which we pay an exorbitant amount of money to every month, in my opinion and I am fed up. It all started with the ants. Back in May or June I moved something and notice that the countertop underneath it had come to life..ants. Millions of tiny ants. Well, we bought RAID and cleaned everything and that mostly went away, except for when we occasionally have burgers for dinner and then they come back, the smell of the grease is more intoxicating than the remnants of RAID, I guess. Then came the Roaches. I am aware that I live in Florida, and I know that there are roaches in Florida, but that has not made me used to their presence. They came around the middle of July, the same time we brought our precious newborn home from the hospital. I reached my breaking point one night when I woke up to feed Grady and as I sat bleary eyed in bed I saw one crawl out from behind the nightstand. That was it. I knew they would soon be crawling all over me unless we took action, so we borrowed some "kill anything smaller than a ferret" bugspray and I haven't seen one since. I don't know what kind of spray the apartment complex buys, but for what we pay it should kill anything smaller than a chihauha. THEN we got spiders. Second round of evil bugspray. They're gone. Those were all things I could kill. My downstairs neighbors, however, I cannot kill. They are college kids, I think. Although, what college kids are doing living this far from any college I do not know. Why-ever they are here, I am so glad we are leaving. They spend most nights out on their lanai (porch) drinking and smoking and being really loud. Normally, I would not mind what they were doing, but their lanai just happens to be right below Grady's room, and they wake him up. I am already neurotic from lack of sleep, and they wake him more times than necessary. I realize the complex really can't solve this problem for me, but it gets worse. This morning, I was walking to the car and I thought to myself "hmmmm, the stairwell smells like vomit." I got to the bottom and found out why. There was a large pile of vomit on the third stair. Drunken Vomit. And I correct myself, because there still is a large pile of vomit, which is now congealed. All day long, the maintenance men trot around in their golf carts and not one of them can get a hose and wash off our steps? WHY? I cannot wait to get into our house. This place blows...literally.
You go girl! (Yes, you read that right.) I have blogged about the bugs at our "luxury apartment home," and since then the moths have taken over our lives. It is so incredibly annoying to be sitting in the living room watching TV or cooking in the kitchen and look over to see a moth flying in your face or a spider crawling along the wall. It has been said that every person will eat an average of 8 spiders in their sleep over a lifetime. We have been living here for 18 months and I think I've eaten 10. Congrats on the new house!
Anonymous, at 10:13 AM
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