BIG news!

No, I am not pregnant again (I need to get that out of the way as to avoid any calls form a certain sister in law who thinks I am pregnant every time we say we have news). I have just been waiting to share this until I was fairly certain I would not jinx us. Grady is sleeping through the night AND taking good naps!!!!! He has been doing so ever since we moved in to the new house, but like I said, I did not want to share and then jinx it. But I think it's going to stick. Of course, I say that, but we are going to SC next week for my little brother's graduation from college and we may royally screw him up. I am just hoping he will be a little trooper and we can keep him fairly close to on schedule!
courtney, i'm compling the rest of the cnc bloggers on my blog--should post it sometime next week. can you please shoot me your last name (if you don't mind). i'm dropping the names in alphabetical order. thanks!
Adam, at 10:46 AM
I know- I had some writer's block lately (and not as much time to screw around in my new job as in my old job). But I'm BACK!! Congrats to Grady on sleeptime, and to Eric for graduating. Kelly graduates from high school in a few weeks! Eek! I think it's finally time for a sports bra!
Erin, at 6:45 PM
Congratulations. I guess you can be reintroduced to an old friend of yours: sleep.
edhigg, at 12:42 PM
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