Grady and I just cried together. And just wait until I tell you why. Ready? Katie Couric made her big official announcement on the Today show. She is leaving at the end of May to work for CBS evening news and 60 minutes. Don't ask me why, but when she started getting a little misty, I burst into tears. Grady took one look at mommy crying and began to wail. I have always been a fan of Katie Couric, but it has become a ritual since Grady was born. We wake up and flip on Today we watch Katie Couric and eat breakfast. I am sad she will no longer be a part of our morning routine, and I have just enough hormones left in my body to cry about it.

Here's a pic of Grady trying to get a good glimpse of Today from his excersaucer one morning.

Here's a pic of Grady trying to get a good glimpse of Today from his excersaucer one morning.
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