Ok...it has been over 5 years now....
Dear G Dubya....
There is no such thing as a nu-cu-lar weapon. The word you are looking for is nuclear and it is pronounced nu-clee-ar. Just like it's spelled. There are no surprises, no "u" between the "c" and the "l". Is there no one on your staff that has noticed that you are pronouncing this word completely wrong? It is funny to me that your wife is able to say it correctly, yet you have not noticed the difference and made a change. If you can't say it, just stick to "weapons of mass destruction". That seems to be easy enough for ya!
There is no such thing as a nu-cu-lar weapon. The word you are looking for is nuclear and it is pronounced nu-clee-ar. Just like it's spelled. There are no surprises, no "u" between the "c" and the "l". Is there no one on your staff that has noticed that you are pronouncing this word completely wrong? It is funny to me that your wife is able to say it correctly, yet you have not noticed the difference and made a change. If you can't say it, just stick to "weapons of mass destruction". That seems to be easy enough for ya!
AMEN! It drives me crazy. I turn on my Bush-accent in my spanish class and it cracks my students up, but then they correct their pronunciation...
Glad I stumbled upon you!
mapiprincesa!, at 11:21 AM
You just changed my life with that statement... I want to grab your face and shake you for being so brilliant.
How is the baby? I want to squeeze his face too! Whenever I think of vacation, I think... I could go to St. Pete and grab Grady's face. I showed Ken the Valentine picture of Grady Patrick the other day like he was my nephew or something. I think I need children in my life... I have problems. :)
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM
Have you ever watched jib-bab cartoons? They're online and very funny. The first one that was john kerry and george bush talking about each other makes fun of that too! "You can't say Nuclear, that really bugs me" (to the tune of this land is made for you and me).
Nicole, at 2:15 PM
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