Not much...
Well, after being sick most of last week (rotavirus, if you have kids, you know it sucks) I am back. I don't have much to say really. I can't think of any funny stories or anecdotes. Tax season is only two more weeks, thank the Lord, and then I have my husband back from the clutches of wealthy taxpayers. Daylight Savings Time has been a huge blessing in disguise for us. Grady can now stay up until 8 pm and wakes up at 7:30 am and doesn't know the difference. This allows us sooooo much more time together as a family. It also makes it possible for me to get up and shower before Grady begins to stir. Not that I did that today, but I went to the gym this morning, so I figured a shower before was kind of superfluous. What else, what else??? Well, things on the job front for Chris are stirring. I can't write too many details now, because we still aren't sure what's going on, but I may have news to blog on soon. Ahhhh, what do I do when I don't know what else to write???? Throw in a cute pic of the boy...that'll work. Be back later! Now was that really worth harassing me, Katie?

I read your blog from time to time, and I know all about the glorious rotavirus. I have 17 month old twins, and they BOTH had it for six days a couple of weeks ago. Not pleasant for any of us!
Anonymous, at 10:58 AM
That is so weird about the rotavirus...Manley Baptist (in Morristown) has had a huge outbreak of it among the nursery set. A friend of mine had to put her foster daughter in the hospital due to dehydration from it. Yuck. Glad to hear your little guy is feeling better, though. Thanks for the post...I love to check your blog. :)
thisisapc, at 9:09 PM
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