They say our love won't pay the rent
Well, tax season is almost over, and I could not be more excited. Had you asked me 4 years ago if I thought I would ever count the days until taxes were due, I would have thought you were nuts. On thinking about the past few months, though, I just have to share that I have the best husband in the world. He has been getting up at 4:30 for work and often does not return home until nearly 7 at night. Many men, after a day like that, would plop in front of the TV and let a beer and hockey work them into a mind numbing stupor. Not Chris. The second he walks in the door Grady goes NUTS. He can't get enough of his daddy. And even when Chris has had a rough day and would just like to crawl into bed, he grabs Grady up and plays with him. After dinner, he helps with dishes, trash, whatever needs to be done. Then we go for our nightly stroll around the neighborhood. Many times I have told Chris I will take Grady out for our walk by myself so he can rest, but he wants to spend time with us. The past week he has been sick and he still works all day and comes home and plays with Grady. I have met many people in real life and even in online forums who's husbands wouldn't think of changing diapers, or who slept through every late night feeding. I am just so lucky, because Chris changed the very first diaper and was awake every time I was. It makes me wish we were independently wealthy so we could just spend all our time watching Grady grow up together. But believe me, if we can't win the lotto, I won't trade a thing.
Aww, so glad you have found a man like that. (I did too, so I know how great it is!) Why did we spend any time with the losers??
Erin, at 5:42 PM
edhigg, at 7:25 PM
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