Are you mad?
When I was in college, Nicole Kidman was riding the wave of fame. She had recently split from Tom Cruise (crazy...much) and made about a dozen award worthy flicks in a row. I definitely watched Moulin Rouge about 2,378 times, and I enjoyed many of the other movies she starred in. There was one, however, that had a certain line that became a catchphrase for many of my college friends and I. Now, those that read this blog are probably already saying it in their heads "are you mad? I am your daughter".
This sentence was uttered in the movie "The Others" when Nicole Kidman's character walks in to find her daughter "possessed" by an old woman. I won't tell you what really happens in the movie in case you haven't seen it (you should). Anyway, the little girl is freaky in her own rite, and the line is meant to be scary. We, however, found it insanely comical. I cannot tell you how many times I walked into a room to be greeted by a ridiculously high pitched, girlish voice, screaming "Are you mad? I am your daughter!" in a fake British accent.
We used it as a greeting, a joke, and an answer to any question we found appropriate. I am sure we really annoyed a few folks with it, and I know there are people who never used it, but found it funny.
A few days ago, my husband was playing with our son and a recently purchased curtain which we intend to hang in our front window, but it took me back to the days of "are you mad, I am your daughter..." and I had to post some pictures. Hope you all enjoy.

Oh, the last picture is not of that, but of Grady's new hairdo. I took him to get it cut and they ruined my baby's cute hair! This is after we got it fixed, but I miss his little bowl cut.
This sentence was uttered in the movie "The Others" when Nicole Kidman's character walks in to find her daughter "possessed" by an old woman. I won't tell you what really happens in the movie in case you haven't seen it (you should). Anyway, the little girl is freaky in her own rite, and the line is meant to be scary. We, however, found it insanely comical. I cannot tell you how many times I walked into a room to be greeted by a ridiculously high pitched, girlish voice, screaming "Are you mad? I am your daughter!" in a fake British accent.
We used it as a greeting, a joke, and an answer to any question we found appropriate. I am sure we really annoyed a few folks with it, and I know there are people who never used it, but found it funny.
A few days ago, my husband was playing with our son and a recently purchased curtain which we intend to hang in our front window, but it took me back to the days of "are you mad, I am your daughter..." and I had to post some pictures. Hope you all enjoy.

Oh, the last picture is not of that, but of Grady's new hairdo. I took him to get it cut and they ruined my baby's cute hair! This is after we got it fixed, but I miss his little bowl cut.

People would pay to look at your child... i swear. He's beautiful... if you can say that. I'm sure he's smart too! ;) You did good, kid.
- Memer
PS - what is your address? i want to send you a wedding invite. :)
Anonymous, at 11:55 AM
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